Doctor Blake’s Question

Doctor Blake’s Question

“I can get angry at God sometimes,” said Father Emery, “But it doesn’t mean I’ll walk out on Him.”

Dr. Blake’s eyes widened as he made direct eye contact with the priest.

Father Emery continued. “Don’t let God go because you couldn’t hear Him when you needed to. Don’t let hurt decide your faith.”

Maybe the priest knew something of the good doctor’s inner struggle. His message was pointed.

He has spiritual questionDoctor Lucien Blake played by Craig McLachlan is the main character of a TV series called The Doctor Blake Mysteries. In his backstory, Blake served in the Far East as a medical officer during World War II. There, he married a Chinese woman and had a child. When Singapore fell, he tragically lost contact with them. He has been searching ever since. The series takes place Australia, in the late 1950s, where Blake assumed his late father’s work as a police forensics doctor. Though several decades have passed, he still doesn’t know if his family is alive or dead. He remains heartbroken.

The priest’s admonition seemed to touch the doctor’s deep pain. Later, Blake goes into the church alone to have a talk with God. Continue reading



In my last post, I challenged you all to try a Listening Prayer Exercise. If you missed it, read no further until you check it out—click here.

Here is the teaching to help you unpack the images and symbolism:

This Listening Prayer exercise is about discovering identity – or who God made you to be.  

If you are giving this to others, don’t initially tell them what it’s about, as it may skew their results. It’s hard enough to hear God without overthinking things ourselves. After completing the questions on the first page, unpack the meanings. If you are doing this with others, break up into small groups of 3 or 4 people. Use biblical symbolism as it pertains to colors, numbers, and symbolic images that are used in dream interpretation. In general, I explain the different categories as follows…Continue reading